Thứ Ba, 3 tháng 5, 2016

Wu xing Wing Chun…once a thief, always a thief!

Recently, on April 6 2016, we came across a suspicious letter on the Wuxing Wing Chun blog addressed to Master Lizzard, bearing a strange content written in a haughty style meant to discredit our Grand Master, and displayed publicly in order to ridicule us.

Here is the aforementioned letter :

After Kim Anh’s letter responding to Wuxing Wing Chun, we may note two important points:
  1. My father has absolutely no relationship with Nam Anh. 
  2. My father also stated that  he definitely  NOT Nam Anh's little brother. My father has no idea  how much or how many years of experience that Nam Anh has in order to qualify and be my father's big brother.
These two affirmations constitute damming evidence and reveals some of the content in this unusual exchange taking place behind our back, against good manners. Yet again, it brings to light the vile intentions of the Wuxing, desperately aiming to tarnish our Grand Master’s image while mining the good relationship between martial arts schools. Thus, we feel obligated to clarify some of the points raised by Kim Anh, and the following constitutes the official response sent to Kim Anh on April 18, 2016.

2 nhận xét:

  1. Wu Xing's leaders have no honor, no recognition , no integrity. They are motivated by their emotions and desires, to the detriment of the good traditional values. It's good to be brilliant, but trampling on good fundamental human values ​​that you should follow, there will be only failure that will meet you on arrival. You have understood nothing.

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  2. Les “instructeurs” de l’Association de Wu Xing Wing Chun incarnent une honte pénible et douloureuse errant dans le monde des arts martiaux.

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