Thứ Ba, 3 tháng 5, 2016

Wu-Xing Wing-Chun and the odious treason of the century!

The Wuxing Wing Chun (Wing Chun of the five animals) federation was founded by individuals who know no bounds in the pursuit of their goals, going even as far as to commit truly immoral and reprehensible acts – all in the name of money and power.

            They did not hesitate to plan the betrayal of Grand Master Nam Anh (founder and head of the international Shaolin Wing Chun Nam Anh Kung Fu federation) when he decided to curtail their abhorrent, egocentric and unhealthy practice. They took the title of Master upon themselves and illegally appropriated their franchise schools by destroying the contracts that bound them to Grand Master Nam Anhs' federation (below: a copy of said contract that was saved from the purge).




Head office:             International Federation of Orthodox Shaolin Wing Chun School
                        10774 Lajeunesse Street
                        Montreal (Quebec) H3L 2S8
                        Represented by: Mr. Phan Bao Thach
                        Founding President
                        (hereinafter called Great Master Nam Anh)
Branch :        Eastern Montreal branch
                        5751 Pierre de Coubertin Avenue
                        Montreal (Quebec)
                        Represented by: Mr. Yannick Gravel
SUBJECT: Conditions for affiliation to the International Federation of Orthodox Shaolin Wing Chun School
1.1 A branch is autonomous and sustainable business establishment of a company. It has separate management with a certain autonomy and able to trade with third parties. Being a geographical extension of the main company, the branch has no separate legal personality and therefore cannot have its own property. Where a branch contracts, it is actually the parent company that is contracting.
The Court of Justice of the European Communities, in a judgment "Somafer" of 22 November 1978 (RJDA 8-9/95 No. 1062) indicated that a branch involves "an operations center which manifests itself in a sustainable way outwards as the extension of a parent body, provided with a management and materially equipped to negotiate business with third parties so that they, knowing that any legal link is established with the parent company with headquarters abroad, are exempted from dealing directly with said main company and may make business at the operations center constituting the extension of the parent company. "
If a branch does not necessarily exercise all activities of the parent, it carries at least the main activities.
2.1 The technical and theoretical teachings of orthodox wing chun, orthodox Pei Mei, Chi Kung and Anmanatherapy are the exclusive intellectual property of the International Federation of Orthodox Shaolin Wing Chun School.
2.2 This contract authorizes the branch to teach the curriculum set out above at 2.1.
2.3 Labels and logos presented in the appendix, as well as the following terms: Shaolin Wing Chun, Orthodox  Wing Chun, Nam Anh, orthodox Pei Mei, Anmanatherapy; are the exclusive intellectual property of the International Federation of Orthodox Shaolin Wing Chun School.
2.4 This contract authorizes the branch to use the labels, logos and terms set out above at 2.3.
2.5  In the case of non-compliance of the contract or decision of the Directing Council, the International Federation of Orthodox Shaolin Wing Chun School can cancel authorizations mentioned above (2.2, 2.4).
3.1 The branch shall pay to the International Federation of Orthodox Shaolin Wing Chun School the following dues :
10% of the monthly income
A fixed monthly amount determined by the Federation
4. Financial Report
4.1 The branch undertakes to annually produce a detailed financial report to the International Federation of Orthodox Shaolin Wing Chun School.
4.2 The branch undertakes to disclose all financial information requested by the auditor of the International Federation of Orthodox Shaolin Wing Chun School.
5.1 Instructors who teach in a branch of the International Federation of Orthodox Shaolin Wing Chun School are required to meet and comply with the organization's competence standards.
6.1 The obtaining of the grades is governed by the review system set up by the International Federation of Orthodox Shaolin Wing Chun School. The branch undertakes to comply with the system as well as the criteria for obtaining the established ranks.
6.2 Unless otherwise stated, examination fees should be returned to the International Federation of Orthodox Shaolin Wing Chun School.
7.1 The branch undertakes to respect the safety rules of the International Federation of Orthodox Shaolin Wing Chun School as presented in the appendix.
9.1 Notwithstanding the place of execution and delivery of this agreement, it will be deemed to be accepted in the city of Montreal, Province of Quebec. This agreement will be governed and interpreted in accordance with the laws in that province.
Acceptation by the Federation
I, the undersigned, representative of the Federation and duly authorized for this purpose, hereby accept the terms of this affiliation agreement with the International Federation of Orthodox Shaolin Wing Chun School.
Per :    « Grand Master Nam Anh                                       « signature of witness »     
            Representative                                                        Witness
Date :              18/10/2010            
Acceptation by the branch
I, the undersigned, branch representative duly authorized to do so, hereby accept the terms of this affiliation agreement with the International Federation of Orthodox Shaolin Wing Chun School.
Per :    « Yannick Gravel »                                                   « signature of witness »     
            Representative                                                        Witness
Date :              19/10/2010            

            In order to complete what they believed was the perfect crime, they plundered and sabotaged the electronic resources of the Grand Masters' federation, going as far as to create a blog under the alias Maître Lézard filled with articles containing half-truths and complete fabrications. In order to retain as many students as possible within their franchises, and to steal more from the main school, they decry their old master as a dangerous guru!

            A bold allegation that lacks the most basic logic. Why did they follow the Grand Master for 10, even 15 years, without ever raising a single objection? Is it then only fate that at the most convenient moment, when they could finally support themselves financially through their franchises, they suddenly awoke from a decade of stupor?

            For three years without respite, the image of the Orthodox Shaolin Wing Chun School and the reputation of Grand Master Nam Anh have been the target of relentless and vicious attacks. The source of these attacks was none other than the blog of Maître Lézard, the pseudonym behind which these traitors chose to hide themselves. Throughout these long years, the Grand Master did not wish to retaliate against his old children, heartbroken that he would break something precious that he had created.

            All things have their limit however, and the Grand Master, at the bequest of the students who chose to remain loyal to him, decided to fight back against the traitors in order the restore the reputation of his school and his legacy.

            Behind each lie there is the truth!

            Taken from the website of the WuXing Wing Chun Federation:

            " The Wu Xing Wing Chun Kung Fu federation was founded in march 2013 by 5 ancient students of Grand Master Nam Anh. The founders (Yannick Gravel, Richard Noel, Patrick Fulop, Vasan Selliah and David Bessette) share the same vision about teaching traditional kung fu. The name "Wu Xing" (5 elements in Chinese) was chosen to highlight the Vietnamese origin of our branch of Wing Chun (Vinh Xuan)."

            Does this not show pride about their heritage and their studies under Grand Master Nam Anh? Why then try to muddy his name and destroy his school by telling everyone what a dangerous guru he is?

            "... The fundamental principles guiding the organisation are respect, honor and integrity."

            One can only assume that no individual claiming to be respectful would insult his master thusly, the same way they would never insult their parents in public, much less abject defamation. Justice will inevitably find its way to those who were implicated with this betrayal, be it directly or indirectly.

            Let us not be afraid a shedding light where once there was obscurity by calling out to these individuals by their names:

·         Patrick Bourassa Fulop
·         Francis Beaulieu
·         Stephane Goupil
·         Eric Villemaire
·         Yannick Gravel

            Reading the articles published by Maître Lézard you will only find hate, fear, vengeance and adulationWhere is the respect? Honor? Integrity?

You reap what you sow!

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