Since March 2013, the Orthodox Shaolin Wingchun School in Canada is focused on repairing the damages caused by a sabotage campaign organized by some of its former members. At the same time, the new Wuxing Wing Chun association was created by reaping the benefits after ravaging the resources of the old Master in his absence.
The association established a delusory campaign to blind the public with smoke and mirrors. The ultimate goal was to be seen as victims while using to its benefit the School’s reputation.
A disloyal competition was deployed without restraints to reach their financial goals. For example, internet website sabotage, harassing federation members on Facebook, burglary, destruction and modification of documents, etc.
These events created a major instability within the federation on many aspects from psychological to financial. What took the longest time to get back on their feet were the formation of a new succession and the reconstruction of the School structure after being wrecked on several fronts. The School has experienced the worst treason worthy of the TV series Game of Thrones.
Here is the chronology of events and the role of each former member involved in order to understand the way they orchestrated everything.
- Éric Villemaire was the president of the School Governing Council. He was in charge of finances. He had access to the bank accounts, the safe, the computers and the IT systems.
- Francis Beaulieu was president of the School Disciplinary Council. Therefore, the School computer server and website access code, as well as the franchise fees collection were under his control. Moreover, he was a member of the drafting committee for the new franchise agreement in 2013.
- Yannick Gravel was president of the Executive Council. Moreover, he was responsible for the pedagogy of the School and the overseeing of the franchises. As such, he guarded the pedagogical documents and former franchise agreements.
- Patrick Bourassa was the manager of external and internal communication (holder of the federation member's email addresses). Moreover, he was the manager of the store, consequently in charge of the uniforms and practice equipment's sales/purchases.
- Vasantharagh Selliah was in charge of the archives and teaching documents, pictures, diplomas, videos, tapes and meeting notes.
The plot
In February 2013, Patrick Bourassa wrote in agreement with Francis Beaulieu an insolent letter filled with insults towards their master. After the fact, Patrick openly shared to all his contacts the offended replica of their old master. Thus accomplices entered in the game to empower the fire. In two weeks' time, we were surprise to notice that they were able to burn down the ancestor's house and ransack such a great organization in the absence of their master. During the following weeks, Pierre Flores noticed that everything had been planned months in advance by reading message exchanges from the Federation webmaster.We also discovered false employment letters signed by Vasantharagh or Patrick attributed to Diana Nguyen (wife of Patrick Bourassa) with ridiculously high salaries in order to obtain illegal bank credit facilities.
Here's the proof.
"Montreal, January 28th 2013,
To whom it may concern,
The present letter certifies that Ms. Diana Nguyen is an employee of the Shaolin Wing Chun Nam Anh Kung Fu school since may 2006. Ms. Nguyen is currently the Director of Sales and her annual salary is established at 110 000$ CAD.
Best regards,
Vasantharagh Selliah
Director, Human Resources
International Orthodox Wing Chun Federation"
"Montreal, january 29th 2013
To whom it may concern,
The present letter certifies that miss Diana Nguyen is an employee of Santé Martiale since january 2011 as a consultant and her annual salary is presently established at 40 000$ CAD.
Best wishes,
Patrick Bourassa"
Sabotage # 1
A couple of months later, Pierre Flores decided to access emails to start legal actions and he noticed that the content had been erased on orders of Eric Villemaire. He had given instructions to a beginner that was taking care of the IT and social network department at the time. Pierre Flores questioned Eric and he was not able to give any valid reason or acceptable explanation to justify these instructions.
Sabotage # 2 – Trojan Horse
After the sudden disappearance of our web site in Google search tool, we've decided to go forward with our project of revamping our website. This is how we realized two things
- It was in fact a deliberate manipulation of putting a piece of code so that Google didn't index our site. Whenever Google went on it, he jumped immediately and we therefore become invisible in research.
- We found a subdomain of Wuxing in our own site:
These files were created in April 2013, less than a year after the treason. The logs of our site indicate that these sub-sites were used for more than 4 months thereafter.
All the elements lead us to believe that this new federation based on lies and manipulation is not able to function on their own. They are prompt to use our website to develop and test their own. This is an undeniable proof that honor is totally lacking from their lives. We are currently in touch with Google in order to verify that this manipulation is an attempt to raise their site indexing in Google. Given the quality indexing of our site at the time it could have been very beneficial for the launch of their new website.
This practice is totally banned from research tools because it's considered fraud. Each website must reflect its own success and not use malicious means that consist of living in parasites of website that are successful.
The Day Wu Xing Wing Chun organization has denied their Master and they decided to sack their own school, it's the day they've become lawless
Sabotage # 3 – Pandora's Box
Since the last two years, the Chinatown branch experiences an important drop in information request via emails without knowing the exact cause. At different point in time, potential students came to Chinatown asking for Philippe Lafortune, instructor at Wu Xing Wing Chun Est branch. This is how we discovered the issue. One of the potential students agreed to send an email addressed to Philippe in order to show his disapproval against this misleading actions
Here's the email:
The images below show the dishonesty and unfair competition
Image of Grand Master's school
Address & phone number of Yannick Gravel (Wuxing Mtl Est)
Sabotage # 4 – Vandalism
On a Thursday morning of October 2014 during morning practice, we notice the front door of the school stained in a brown color. We immediately noticed it was excrement. When we opened the door to clean it, we also realized it was forced from the outside.
After making a report, we've installed surveillance cameras following police recommendation
Sabotage # 5 – The Reptilian Tactic
Unscrupulous !!! The founders of the Wu Xing Association (hereinafter referred as Wussies) do not lack nerve!
They are little pretentious that do not apply the principles they teach. From the beginning of their association, they chose the motto: respect, honor, integrity. These are just empty words.
Here's why
To start their smear campaign against the Orthodox Shaolin Wingchun School, they created several fake profiles on Facebook. They used these accounts to communicate with the school members and attract their attention on a garbage blog filled with falsehoods and twisted truths. Several times, they impersonated Guy Roussy who's a veteran of the school. Although he came through the door of Kung Fu, Guy quickly became a follower of Chi Kung Tai Chi because of his health. Indeed, Guy has long suffered from a schizo affective disorder bipolar type that was triggered by highly traumatic events he witnessed in December 1989 at the Polytechnic.
Why did the Wussies target that person and used his name to spread their venom? Is it to show respect? Why would they impersonate one of the most vulnerable person who has never done anything to them?. Is it to show honor? Violate the criminal code by committing identity theft do have integrity?
No, no and no! This leads us to conclude that the actions of Wussies are malignant and must call into question everything they say because they have no credibility neither in the martial arts, or other area.
August 16th, 2015 · Montreal
"I would like to denounce for the second time in the community surrounding the school Shaolin Wing Chun Nam Anh Kung Fu a situation which I was the victim. Some of you have received an invitation from Guy Roussy on Facebook social platform. The profile picture of this virtual person was the image of a white dove. I never sent those invitations. This person who present himself as a supporter of 'Wuxing Wing Chun Mtl association, took the opportunity to share hateful publications on an anonymous blog to my master, Syfu Nam Anh, and our school. I accuse this person of virtual identity theft. An act that I consider immoral, unfair and contrary to the values that I learned in my Kung Fu school. I'm aware that this individual is perhaps not directly related to the association of Wuxing. It may be one of their former students who simply wanted to aggravate the situation between our school and the Wuxing association. I invite the association of Wuxing to: first, publicly denounce the act of which I was the victim. Second, publicly present excuses. This is a personal request. I thank all of those who will read and will take a special attention.
Sincerely Guy Roussy. "
Sabotage # 6 – Falsehood
This practice of assigning false employment letters with false wages goes beyond the heads of branches of the West Island and Toronto. It's also used by the Wuxing Wing Chun Mtl East branch. Ms. Khay has never worked at Kamicode. In fact, she has no competence in IT but yet she's assigned to such as job.
The most ironic is that Khay and Yannick Gravel had their website created without paying anything ... Yes! Their site is also theft. So she should include in her profile '' stolen from kamicode ''
Theft and destruction of documents, crimes punishable by the Canadian Criminal Code
(Branch Franchising)
'' The breach of trust was a shade less odious than perfidy, but not very different in baseness. ''
As a member of the editorial board of the new franchising contract for 2013, Francis Beaulieu was in possession of all the old contracts. Therefore, when running their criminal plan in March 2013, he destroyed seven contracts including those of Chinatown, Laval, Our Lady of Grace, West -Island, Toronto, St Agatha and Montreal east.
But Francis did not know that doubles were kept. Here is a copy which denounces their dishonesty and treachery.
Head office: International Federation of Orthodox Shaolin Wing Chun School
10774 Lajeunesse Street
Montreal (Quebec) H3L 2S8
Represented by: Mr. Phan Bao Thach
Founding President
(hereinafter called Great Master Nam Anh)
Branch : Jonathan Gravel
SUBJECT: Conditions for affiliation to the International Federation of Orthodox Shaolin Wing Chun School
1.1 A branch is autonomous and sustainable business establishment of a company. It has separate management with a certain autonomy and able to trade with third parties. Being a geographical extension of the main company, the branch has no separate legal personality and therefore cannot have its own property. Where a branch contracts, it is actually the parent company that is contracting.
The Court of Justice of the European Communities, in a judgment "Somafer" of 22 November 1978 (RJDA 8-9/95 No. 1062) indicated that a branch involves "an operations center which manifests itself in a sustainable way outwards as the extension of a parent body, provided with a management and materially equipped to negotiate business with third parties so that they, knowing that any legal link is established with the parent company with headquarters abroad, are exempted from dealing directly with said main company and may make business at the operations center constituting the extension of the parent company. "
If a branch does not necessarily exercise all activities of the parent, it carries at least the main activities.
2.1 The technical and theoretical teachings of Orthodox Wing Chun, orthodox Pei Mei, Chi Kung and Anmanatherapy are the exclusive intellectual property of the International Federation of Orthodox Shaolin Wing Chun School.
2.2 This contract authorizes the branch to teach the curriculum set out above at 2.1.
2.3 Labels and logos presented in the appendix, as well as the following terms: Shaolin Wing Chun, Orthodox Wing Chun, Nam Anh, orthodox Pei Mei, Anmanatherapy; are the exclusive intellectual property of the International Federation of Orthodox Shaolin Wing Chun School.
2.4 This contract authorizes the branch to use the labels, logos and terms set out above at 2.3.
2.5 In the case of non-compliance of the contract or decision of the Directing Council, the International Federation of Orthodox Shaolin Wing Chun School can cancel authorizations mentioned above (2.2, 2.4).
3.1 Any individual or corporate person cannot use for commercial purposes the technical and theoretical teachings of orthodox Wing Chun, orthodox Pei Mei, Chi Kung and Anmanatherapy without the written authorization of the International Federation of Orthodox Shaolin Wing Chun School.
3.2 Any individual or corporate person cannot disclose to a competitor the technical and theoretical teachings of orthodox Wing Chun, orthodox Pei Mei, Chi Kung and Anmanatherapy without the written authorization of the International Federation of Orthodox Shaolin Wing Chun School.
3.3 Any individual or corporate person cannot use the techniques and theoretical teachings of orthodox Wing Chun, orthodox Pei Mei, Chi Kung and Anmanatherapy for any business opportunity that could place it in conflict of interest with the International Federation of Orthodox Shaolin Wing Chun School.
4.1 The branch shall pay to the International Federation of Orthodox Shaolin Wing Chun School the following dues :
10% of the monthly income
A fixed monthly amount determined by the Federation
5. Financial Report
5.1 The branch undertakes to annually produce a detailed financial report to the International Federation of Orthodox Shaolin Wing Chun School.
5.2 The branch undertakes to disclose all financial information requested by the auditor of the International Federation of Orthodox Shaolin Wing Chun School.
6.1 Instructors who teach in a branch of the International Federation of Orthodox Shaolin Wing Chun School are required to meet and comply with the organization's competence standards.
7.1 The obtaining of the grades is governed by the review system set up by the International Federation of Orthodox Shaolim Wing Chun School. The branch undertakes to comply with the system as well as the criteria for obtaining the established ranks.
7.2 Unless otherwise stated, examination fees should be returned to the International Federation of Orthodox Shaolin Wing Chun School.
8.1 The branch undertakes to respect the safety rules of the International Federation of Orthodox Shaolin Wing Chun School as presented in the appendix.
9.1 Notwithstanding the place of execution and delivery of this agreement, it will be deemed to be accepted in the city of Montreal, Province of Quebec. This agreement will be governed and interpreted in accordance with the laws in that province.
Acceptation by the Federation
I, the undersigned, representative of the Federation and duly authorized for this purpose, hereby accept the terms of this affiliation agreement with the International Federation of Orthodox Shaolin Wing Chun School.
Per : « Grand Master Nam Anh « signature of witness »
Representative Witness
Date : 16/11/2011
Acceptation by the branch
I, the undersigned, branch representative duly authorized to do so, hereby accept the terms of this affiliation agreement with the International Federation of Orthodox Shaolin Wing Chun School.
Per : « Jonathan Gravel » « signed below »
Representative Witness
Date : 16/11/2011 "